/******************************************************************************** * * * Code for One Size Fits All? (2020) * * * ********************************************************************************/ *Packages necessary to run the code *leebounds *rwolf *ritest *eststo use "Arouna_et_al_AJAE_data.dta", clear *Set global variables quietly tabulate lga, generate(_lga) global hhvar age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz ricearea global covar age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz global prodvar Yieldn RBE Qnpk_T Qurea_T global depvar Yieldn RBE Qnpk_T Qurea_T global lga _lga2 _lga3 _lga4 _lga5 /******************************************************************************** * Figure 1.A & 1.B: Screenshot of RiceAdvice * ********************************************************************************/ *Figure does not rely on RCT data /******************************************************************************** * Figure 2: Experiment design * ********************************************************************************/ *Figure does not rely on RCT data /******************************************************************************** * Figure 3: Outcomes by treatment group * ********************************************************************************/ by ntreatment, sort: sum $depvar if year != 0 twoway (kdensity Yieldn if ntreatment == 1 & year != 0, lwidth(medium) lcolor(black) lpattern(solid)) /// (kdensity Yieldn if ntreatment == 2 & year != 0, lwidth(medthick) lcolor(gs10) lpattern(dash)) /// (kdensity Yieldn if ntreatment == 3 & year != 0, lwidth(medthick) lcolor(sky) lpattern(shortdash_dot) /// ytitle("Density") xtitle("Rice yield (t/ha)") /// xline(3.755393, lpattern(solid) lwidth(thin) lcolor(black)) /// text(0.01 `=3.755393-.1' "Control mean", color(black) j(left) size(vsmall) place(nw) orient(vertical)) /// xline(4.253655, lpattern(solid) lwidth(thin) lcolor(gs10)) /// text(0.01 `=4.253655-.1' "T1 mean", color(gs10) j(left) size(vsmall) place(nw) orient(vertical)) /// xline(4.323538, lpattern(solid) lwidth(thin) lcolor(sky)) /// text(0.01 `=4.323538+.1' "T2 mean", color(sky) j(left) size(vsmall) place(ne) orient(vertical))), /// legend(label(1 "Control [C]") label(2 "RiceAdvice [T1]") label(3 "RiceAdivce + Subsidy [T2]") /// position(6) col(3) row(1)) saving(Yieldn, replace) graph export "Yieldn.png", as(png) replace twoway (kdensity RBE if ntreatment == 1 & year != 0, lwidth(medium) lcolor(black) lpattern(solid)) /// (kdensity RBE if ntreatment == 2 & year != 0, lwidth(medthick) lcolor(gs10) lpattern(dash)) /// (kdensity RBE if ntreatment == 3 & year != 0, lwidth(medthick) lcolor(sky) lpattern(shortdash_dot) /// ytitle("Density") xtitle("Profit (US$/ha)") /// xline(1180.672, lpattern(solid) lwidth(thin) lcolor(black)) /// text(.00001 `=1180.672-20' "Control mean", color(black) j(left) size(vsmall) place(nw) orient(vertical)) /// xline(1384.187, lpattern(solid) lwidth(thin) lcolor(gs10)) /// text(.00001 `=1384.187-20' "T1 mean", color(gs10) j(left) size(vsmall) place(nw) orient(vertical)) /// xline(1406.868, lpattern(solid) lwidth(thin) lcolor(sky)) /// text(.00001 `=1406.868+20' "T2 mean", color(sky) j(left) size(vsmall) place(ne) orient(vertical))), /// legend(label(1 "Control [C]") label(2 "RiceAdvice [T1]") label(3 "RiceAdivce + Subsidy [T2]") /// position(6) col(3) row(1)) saving(RBE, replace) graph export "RBE.png", as(png) replace twoway (kdensity Qnpk_T if ntreatment == 1 & year != 0, lwidth(medium) lcolor(black) lpattern(solid)) /// (kdensity Qnpk_T if ntreatment == 2 & year != 0, lwidth(medthick) lcolor(gs10) lpattern(dash)) /// (kdensity Qnpk_T if ntreatment == 3 & year != 0, lwidth(medthick) lcolor(sky) lpattern(shortdash_dot) /// ytitle("Density") xtitle("Quantity of NPK (kg/ha)") /// xline(210.4447, lpattern(solid) lwidth(thin) lcolor(black)) /// text(.00005 `=210.4447+5' "Control mean", color(black) j(left) size(vsmall) place(ne) orient(vertical)) /// xline(196.2159, lpattern(solid) lwidth(thin) lcolor(gs10)) /// text(.00005 `=196.2159-5' "T1 mean", color(gs10) j(left) size(vsmall) place(nw) orient(vertical)) /// xline(173.9034, lpattern(solid) lwidth(thin) lcolor(sky)) /// text(.00005 `=173.9034-5' "T2 mean", color(sky) j(left) size(vsmall) place(nw) orient(vertical))), /// legend(label(1 "Control [C]") label(2 "RiceAdvice [T1]") label(3 "RiceAdivce + Subsidy [T2]") /// position(6) col(3) row(1)) saving(Qnpk_T, replace) graph export "Qnpk_T.png", as(png) replace twoway (kdensity Qurea_T if ntreatment == 1 & year != 0, lwidth(medium) lcolor(black) lpattern(solid)) /// (kdensity Qurea_T if ntreatment == 2 & year != 0, lwidth(medthick) lcolor(gs10) lpattern(dash)) /// (kdensity Qurea_T if ntreatment == 3 & year != 0, lwidth(medthick) lcolor(sky) lpattern(shortdash_dot) /// ytitle("Density") xtitle("Quantity of urea (kg/ha)") /// xline(158.0093, lpattern(solid) lwidth(thin) lcolor(black)) /// text(.00005 `=158.0093+5' "Control mean", color(black) j(left) size(vsmall) place(ne) orient(vertical)) /// xline(173.9034, lpattern(solid) lwidth(thin) lcolor(gs10)) /// text(.00005 `=173.9034+5' "T1 mean", color(gs10) j(left) size(vsmall) place(ne) orient(vertical)) /// xline(154.5432, lpattern(solid) lwidth(thin) lcolor(sky)) /// text(.00005 `=154.5432-5' "T2 mean", color(sky) j(left) size(vsmall) place(nw) orient(vertical))), /// legend(label(1 "Control [C]") label(2 "RiceAdvice [T1]") label(3 "RiceAdivce + Subsidy [T2]") /// position(6) col(3) row(1)) saving(Qurea_T, replace) graph export "Qurea_T.png", as(png) replace gr combine Yieldn.gph RBE.gph Qnpk_T.gph Qurea_T.gph, col(2) iscale(.5) commonscheme graph export "outcomes.eps", as(eps) replace /******************************************************************************** * Table 1: Baseline characteristics and balance pre-contamination * ********************************************************************************/ *Summary stats for control group at baseline by ntreatment, sort: sum $hhvar $prodvar if year == 0 foreach dvar of varlist $hhvar $prodvar { reg `dvar' ntreated $lga if year == 0, vce(cl village) } // Compare T with C foreach dvar of varlist $hhvar $prodvar { reg `dvar' ntreated1 $lga if year == 0, vce(cl village) } // Compare T1 with C foreach dvar of varlist $hhvar $prodvar { reg `dvar' ntreated2 $lga if year == 0, vce(cl village) } // Compare T2 with C /******************************************************************************** * Table 2a: Treatment effects on rice yield for all years * ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg Yieldn T1 T2 $lga if year!=0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster(village) // OLS outreg2 using "Yieldn_a.doc", /// title (Table 2a: Treatment effects on yield) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Yieldn T1 T2 $covar $lga if year!=0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "Yieldn_a.doc", /// title (Table 2a: Treatment effects on yield) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg Yieldn T1 T2 Yieldn0n i.year $lga if year!=0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "Yieldn_a.doc", /// title (Table 2a: Treatment effects on yield) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Yieldn0n 2.year) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Yieldn T1 T2 Yieldn0n i.year $covar $lga if year!=0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "Yieldn_a.doc", /// title (Table 2a: Treatment effects on yield) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Yieldn0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz 2.year) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum Yieldn if ntreatment == 1 & year != 0 ****Randomization inference ritest ntreatment _b[2.ntreatment], cluster(village) strata(lga) /// reps(5000) seed(0) nodots fix(3) kdens saving(ri_Yield_1, replace): /// reg Yieldn i.ntreatment Yieldn0n i.year $covar $lga if year!=0, cluster (village) * p-value = 0.0040 ritest ntreatment _b[3.ntreatment], cluster(village) strata(lga) /// reps(5000) seed(0) nodots fix(2) kdens saving(ri_Yield_2, replace): /// reg Yieldn i.ntreatment Yieldn0n i.year $covar $lga if year!=0, cluster (village) * p-value = 0.0012 ritest ntreatment (_b[2.ntreatment] - _b[3.ntreatment]), cluster(village) strata(lga) /// reps(5000) seed(0) nodots kdens saving(ri_Yield_12, replace): /// reg Yieldn i.ntreatment Yieldn0n i.year $covar $lga if year!=0, cluster (village) * p-value = 0.0684 /******************************************************************************** * Table 2b: Treatment effects on rice yield for 2016 * ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg Yieldn T1 T2 $lga if year== 1 [pw=1/pweight], vce(cl village) // OLS outreg2 using "Yieldn_b.doc", /// title (Table 2b: Treatment effects on yield) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Yieldn T1 T2 $covar $lga if year== 1 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "Yieldn_b.doc", /// title (Table 2b: Treatment effects on yield) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg Yieldn T1 T2 Yieldn0n $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "Yieldn_b.doc", /// title (Table 2b: Treatment effects on yield) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Yieldn0n) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Yieldn T1 T2 Yieldn0n $covar $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "Yieldn_b.doc", /// title (Table 2b: Treatment effects on yield) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Yieldn0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum Yieldn if ntreatment == 1 & year == 1 /******************************************************************************** * Table 2c: Treatment effects on rice yield for 2017 * ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg Yieldn T1 T2 $lga if year== 2 [pw=1/pweight], vce(cl village) // OLS outreg2 using "Yieldn_c.doc", /// title (Table 2c: Treatment effects on yield) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Yieldn T1 T2 $covar $lga if year== 2 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "Yieldn_c.doc", /// title (Table 2c: Treatment effects on yield) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg Yieldn T1 T2 Yieldn0n $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "Yieldn_c.doc", /// title (Table 2c: Treatment effects on yield) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Yieldn0n) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Yieldn T1 T2 Yieldn0n $covar $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "Yieldn_c.doc", /// title (Table 2c: Treatment effects on yield) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Yieldn0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum Yieldn if ntreatment == 1 & year == 2 /******************************************************************************** * Table 3a: Treatment effects on rice profit for all years * ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg RBE T1 T2 $lga if year!=0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster(village) // OLS outreg2 using "profit_a.doc", /// title (Table 3a: Treatment effects on profit) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(2) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg RBE T1 T2 $covar $lga if year!=0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "profit_a.doc", /// title (Table 3a: Treatment effects on profit) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(2) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg RBE T1 T2 RBE0n i.year $lga if year!=0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "profit_a.doc", /// title (Table 3a: Treatment effects on profit) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* RBE0n 2.year) se dec(2) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg RBE T1 T2 RBE0n i.year $covar $lga if year!=0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "profit_a.doc", /// title (Table 3a: Treatment effects on profit) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* RBE0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz 2.year) se dec(2) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum RBE if ntreatment == 1 & year != 0 ****Randomization inference ritest ntreatment _b[2.ntreatment], cluster(village) strata(lga) /// reps(5000) seed(0) nodots fix(3) kdens saving(ri_RBE_1, replace): /// reg RBE i.ntreatment RBE0n i.year $covar $lga if year!=0, cluster (village) * p-value = 0.0044 ritest ntreatment _b[3.ntreatment], cluster(village) strata(lga) /// reps(5000) seed(0) nodots fix(2) kdens saving(ri_RBE_2, replace): /// reg RBE i.ntreatment RBE0n i.year $covar $lga if year!=0, cluster (village) * p-value = 0.0012 ritest ntreatment (_b[2.ntreatment] - _b[3.ntreatment]), cluster(village) strata(lga) /// reps(5000) seed(0) nodots kdens saving(ri_RBE_12, replace): /// reg RBE i.ntreatment RBE0n i.year $covar $lga if year!=0, cluster (village) * p-value = 0.1232 /******************************************************************************** * Table 3b: Treatment effects on rice profit for 2016 * ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg RBE T1 T2 $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], vce(cl village) // OLS outreg2 using "profit_b.doc", /// title (Table 3b: Treatment effects on profit) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(2) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg RBE T1 T2 $covar $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "profit_b.doc", /// title (Table 3b: Treatment effects on profit) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(2) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg RBE T1 T2 RBE0n $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "profit_b.doc", /// title (Table 3b: Treatment effects on profit) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* RBE0n) se dec(2) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg RBE T1 T2 RBE0n $covar $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "profit_b.doc", /// title (Table 3b: Treatment effects on profit) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* RBE0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(2) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum RBE if ntreatment == 1 & year == 1 /******************************************************************************** * Table 3c: Treatment effects on rice profit for 2017 * ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg RBE T1 T2 $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], vce(cl village) // OLS outreg2 using "profit_c.doc", /// title (Table 3c: Treatment effects on profit) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(2) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg RBE T1 T2 $covar $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "profit_c.doc", /// title (Table 3c: Treatment effects on profit) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(2) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg RBE T1 T2 RBE0n $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "profit_c.doc", /// title (Table 3c: Treatment effects on profit) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* RBE0n) se dec(2) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg RBE T1 T2 RBE0n $covar $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "profit_c.doc", /// title (Table 3c: Treatment effects on profit) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* RBE0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(2) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum RBE if ntreatment == 1 & year == 2 /******************************************************************************** * Table 4a: Treatment effects on quantity of fertilizer for all years * ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg Qfert T1 T2 $lga if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster(village) // OLS outreg2 using "fert_a.doc", /// title (Table 4a: Treatment effects on fertilizer) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Qfert T1 T2 $covar $lga if year!=0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "fert_a.doc", /// title (Table 4a: Treatment effects on fertilizer) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg Qfert T1 T2 Qfert0n i.year $lga if year!=0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "fert_a.doc", /// title (Table 4a: Treatment effects on fertilizer) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Qfert0n 2.year) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Qfert T1 T2 Qfert0n i.year $covar $lga if year!=0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "fert_a.doc", /// title (Table 4a: Treatment effects on fertilizer) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Qfert0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz 2.year) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum Qfert if ntreatment == 1 & year != 0 ****Randomization inference ritest ntreatment _b[2.ntreatment], cluster(village) strata(lga) /// reps(5000) seed(0) nodots fix(3) kdens saving(ri_Qfert_1, replace): /// reg Qfert i.ntreatment Qfert0n i.year $covar $lga if year!=0, cluster (village) * p-value = 0.4236 ritest ntreatment _b[3.ntreatment], cluster(village) strata(lga) /// reps(5000) seed(0) nodots fix(2) kdens saving(ri_Qfert_2, replace): /// reg Qfert i.ntreatment Qfert0n i.year $covar $lga if year!=0, cluster (village) * p-value = 0.0448 ritest ntreatment (_b[2.ntreatment] - _b[3.ntreatment]), cluster(village) strata(lga) /// reps(5000) seed(0) nodots kdens saving(ri_Qfert_12, replace): /// reg Qfert i.ntreatment Qfert0n i.year $covar $lga if year!=0, cluster (village) * p-value = 0.2080 /******************************************************************************** * Table 4b: Treatment effects on quantity of fertilizer for 2016 * ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg Qfert T1 T2 $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], vce(cl village) // OLS outreg2 using "fert_b.doc", /// title (Table 4b: Treatment effects on fertilizer) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Qfert T1 T2 $covar $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "fert_b.doc", /// title (Table 4b: Treatment effects on fertilizer) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg Qfert T1 T2 Qfert0n $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "fert_b.doc", /// title (Table 4b: Treatment effects on fertilizer) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Qfert0n) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Qfert T1 T2 Qfert0n $covar $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "fert_b.doc", /// title (Table 4b: Treatment effects on fertilizer) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Qfert0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum Qfert if ntreatment == 1 & year == 1 /******************************************************************************** * Table 4c: Treatment effects on quantity of fertilizer for 2017 * ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg Qfert T1 T2 $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], vce(cl village) // OLS outreg2 using "fert_c.doc", /// title (Table 4c: Treatment effects on fertilizer) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(2) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Qfert T1 T2 $covar $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "fert_c.doc", /// title (Table 4c: Treatment effects on fertilizer) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(2) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg Qfert T1 T2 Qfert0n $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "fert_c.doc", /// title (Table 4c: Treatment effects on fertilizer) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Qfert0n) se dec(2) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Qfert T1 T2 Qfert0n $covar $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "fert_c.doc", /// title (Table 4c: Treatment effects on fertilizer) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Qfert0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(2) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum Qfert if ntreatment == 1 & year == 2 /******************************************************************************** * Table 5a: Treatment effects on quantity of NPK fertilizer for all years * ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg Qnpk_T T1 T2 $lga if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight], vce(cl village) // OLS outreg2 using "npk_a.doc", /// title (Table 5a: Treatment effects on NPK) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Qnpk_T T1 T2 $covar $lga if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "npk_a.doc", /// title (Table 5a: Treatment effects on NPK) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg Qnpk_T T1 T2 Qnpk_T0n i.year $lga if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "npk_a.doc", /// title (Table 5a: Treatment effects on NPK) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Qnpk_T0n 2.year) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Qnpk_T T1 T2 Qnpk_T0n i.year $covar $lga if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "npk_a.doc", /// title (Table 5a: Treatment effects on NPK) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Qnpk_T0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz 2.year) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum Qnpk_T if ntreatment == 1 & year != 0 ****Randomization inference ritest ntreatment _b[2.ntreatment], cluster(village) strata(lga) /// reps(5000) seed(0) nodots fix(3) kdens saving(ri_Qnpk_1, replace): /// reg Qnpk_T i.ntreatment Qnpk_T0n i.year $covar $lga if year!=0, cluster (village) * p-value = 0.0152 ritest ntreatment _b[3.ntreatment], cluster(village) strata(lga) /// reps(5000) seed(0) nodots fix(2) kdens saving(ri_Qnpk_2, replace): /// reg Qnpk_T i.ntreatment Qnpk_T0n i.year $covar $lga if year!=0, cluster (village) * p-value = 0.0478 ritest ntreatment (_b[2.ntreatment] - _b[3.ntreatment]), cluster(village) strata(lga) /// reps(5000) seed(0) nodots kdens saving(ri_Qnpk_12, replace): /// reg Qnpk_T i.ntreatment Qnpk_T0n i.year $covar $lga if year!=0, cluster (village) * p-value = 0.7250 /******************************************************************************** * Table 5b: Treatment effects on quantity of NPK fertilizer for 2016 * ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg Qnpk_T T1 T2 $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], vce(cl village) // OLS outreg2 using "npk_b.doc", /// title (Table 5b: Treatment effects on NPK) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Qnpk_T T1 T2 $covar $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "npk_b.doc", /// title (Table 5b: Treatment effects on NPK) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg Qnpk_T T1 T2 Qnpk_T0n $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "npk_b.doc", /// title (Table 5b: Treatment effects on NPK) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Qnpk_T0n) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Qnpk_T T1 T2 Qnpk_T0n $covar $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "npk_b.doc", /// title (Table 5b: Treatment effects on NPK) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Qnpk_T0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum Qnpk_T if ntreatment == 1 & year == 1 /******************************************************************************** * Table 5c: Treatment effects on quantity of NPK fertilizer for 2017 * ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg Qnpk_T T1 T2 $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], vce(cl village) // OLS outreg2 using "npk_c.doc", /// title (Table 5c: Treatment effects on NPK) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Qnpk_T T1 T2 $covar $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "npk_c.doc", /// title (Table 5c: Treatment effects on NPK) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg Qnpk_T T1 T2 Qnpk_T0n $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "npk_c.doc", /// title (Table 5c: Treatment effects on NPK) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Qnpk_T0n) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Qnpk_T T1 T2 Qnpk_T0n $covar $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "npk_c.doc", /// title (Table 5c: Treatment effects on NPK) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Qnpk_T0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum Qnpk_T if ntreatment == 1 & year == 2 /******************************************************************************** * Table 6a: Treatment effects on quantity of urea fertilizer for all years * ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg Qurea_T T1 T2 $lga if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight], vce(cl village) // OLS outreg2 using "urea_a.doc", /// title (Table 6a: Treatment effects on urea) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Qurea_T T1 T2 $covar $lga if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "urea_a.doc", /// title (Table 6a: Treatment effects on urea) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg Qurea_T T1 T2 Qurea_T0n i.year $lga if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "urea_a.doc", /// title (Table 6a: Treatment effects on urea) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Qurea_T0n 2.year) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Qurea_T T1 T2 Qurea_T0n i.year $covar $lga if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "urea_a.doc", /// title (Table 6a: Treatment effects on urea) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Qurea_T0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz 2.year) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum Qurea_T if ntreatment == 1 & year != 0 ****Randomization inference ritest ntreatment _b[2.ntreatment], cluster(village) strata(lga) /// reps(5000) seed(0) nodots fix(3) kdens saving(ri_Qurea_1, replace): /// reg Qurea_T i.ntreatment Qurea_T0n i.year $covar $lga if year!=0, cluster (village) * p-value = 0.0094 ritest ntreatment _b[3.ntreatment], cluster(village) strata(lga) /// reps(5000) seed(0) nodots fix(2) kdens saving(ri_Qurea_2, replace): /// reg Qurea_T i.ntreatment Qurea_T0n i.year $covar $lga if year!=0, cluster (village) * p-value = 0.9718 ritest ntreatment (_b[2.ntreatment] - _b[3.ntreatment]), cluster(village) strata(lga) /// reps(5000) seed(0) nodots kdens saving(ri_Qurea_12, replace): /// reg Qurea_T i.ntreatment Qurea_T0n i.year $covar $lga if year!=0, cluster (village) * p-value = 0.0646 /******************************************************************************** * Table 6b: Treatment effects on quantity of urea fertilizer for 2016 * ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg Qurea_T T1 T2 $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], vce(cl village) // OLS outreg2 using "urea_b.doc", /// title (Table 6b: Treatment effects on urea) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Qurea_T T1 T2 $covar $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "urea_b.doc", /// title (Table 6b: Treatment effects on urea) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg Qurea_T T1 T2 Qurea_T0n $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "urea_b.doc", /// title (Table 6b: Treatment effects on urea) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Qurea_T0n) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Qurea_T T1 T2 Qurea_T0n $covar $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "urea_b.doc", /// title (Table 6b: Treatment effects on urea) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Qurea_T0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum Qurea_T if ntreatment == 1 & year == 1 /******************************************************************************** * Table 6c: Treatment effects on quantity of urea fertilizer for 2017 * ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg Qurea_T T1 T2 $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], vce(cl village) // OLS outreg2 using "urea_c.doc", /// title (Table 6c: Treatment effects on urea) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Qurea_T T1 T2 $covar $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "urea_c.doc", /// title (Table 6c: Treatment effects on urea) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg Qurea_T T1 T2 Qurea_T0n $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "urea_c.doc", /// title (Table 6c: Treatment effects on urea) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Qurea_T0n) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Qurea_T T1 T2 Qurea_T0n $covar $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "urea_c.doc", /// title (Table 6c: Treatment effects on urea) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Qurea_T0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum Qurea_T if ntreatment == 1 & year == 2 /******************************************************************************** * Table 7a: Treatment effects on timing of first NPK application for all years * ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg period1_npk T1 T2 $lga if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight], vce(cl village) // OLS outreg2 using "NPKt_a.doc", /// title (Table 7a: Treatment effects on NPK timing) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg period1_npk T1 T2 $covar $lga if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "NPKt_a.doc", /// title (Table 7a: Treatment effects on NPK timing) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg period1_npk T1 T2 period1_npk0n i.year $lga if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "NPKt_a.doc", /// title (Table 7a: Treatment effects on NPK timing) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* period1_npk0n 2.year) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg period1_npk T1 T2 period1_npk0n i.year $covar $lga if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "NPKt_a.doc", /// title (Table 7a: Treatment effects on NPK timing) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* period1_npk0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz 2.year) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum period1_npk if ntreatment == 1 & year != 0 ****Randomization inference ritest ntreatment _b[2.ntreatment], cluster(village) strata(lga) /// reps(5000) seed(0) nodots fix(3) kdens saving(ri_period1_npk_1, replace): /// reg period1_npk i.ntreatment period1_npk0n i.year $covar $lga if year!=0, cluster (village) * p-value = 0.0006 ritest ntreatment _b[3.ntreatment], cluster(village) strata(lga) /// reps(5000) seed(0) nodots fix(2) kdens saving(ri_period1_npk_2, replace): /// reg period1_npk i.ntreatment period1_npk0n i.year $covar $lga if year!=0, cluster (village) * p-value = 0.0762 ritest ntreatment (_b[2.ntreatment] - _b[3.ntreatment]), cluster(village) strata(lga) /// reps(5000) seed(0) nodots kdens saving(ri_period1_npk_12, replace): /// reg period1_npk i.ntreatment period1_npk0n i.year $covar $lga if year!=0, cluster (village) * p-value = 0.6076 /******************************************************************************** * Table 7b: Treatment effects on timing of first NPK application for 2016 * ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg period1_npk T1 T2 $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], vce(cl village) // OLS outreg2 using "NPKt_b.doc", /// title (Table 7b: Treatment effects on NPK timing) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg period1_npk T1 T2 $covar $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "NPKt_b.doc", /// title (Table 7b: Treatment effects on NPK timing) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg period1_npk T1 T2 period1_npk0n $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "NPKt_b.doc", /// title (Table 7b: Treatment effects on NPK timing) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* period1_npk0n) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg period1_npk T1 T2 period1_npk0n $covar $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "NPKt_b.doc", /// title (Table 7b: Treatment effects on NPK timing) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* period1_npk0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum period1_npk if ntreatment == 1 & year == 1 /******************************************************************************** * Table 7c: Treatment effects on timing of first NPK application for 2017 * ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg period1_npk T1 T2 $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], vce(cl village) // OLS outreg2 using "NPKt_c.doc", /// title (Table 7c: Treatment effects on NPK timing) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg period1_npk T1 T2 $covar $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "NPKt_c.doc", /// title (Table 7c: Treatment effects on NPK timing) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg period1_npk T1 T2 period1_npk0n $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "NPKt_c.doc", /// title (Table 7c: Treatment effects on NPK timing) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* period1_npk0n) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg period1_npk T1 T2 period1_npk0n $covar $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "NPKt_c.doc", /// title (Table 7c: Treatment effects on NPK timing) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* period1_npk0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum period1_npk if ntreatment == 1 & year == 2 /******************************************************************************** * Table 8a: Treatment effects on timing of first urea application for all years * ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg period1_urea T1 T2 $lga if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight], vce(cl village) // OLS outreg2 using "ureat_a.doc", /// title (Table 8a: Treatment effects on urea timing) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg period1_urea T1 T2 $covar $lga if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "ureat_a.doc", /// title (Table 8a: Treatment effects on urea timing) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg period1_urea T1 T2 period1_urea0n i.year $lga if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "ureat_a.doc", /// title (Table 8a: Treatment effects on urea timing) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* period1_urea0n 2.year) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg period1_urea T1 T2 period1_urea0n i.year $covar $lga if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "ureat_a.doc", /// title (Table 8a: Treatment effects on urea timing) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* period1_urea0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz 2.year) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum period1_urea if ntreatment == 1 & year != 0 ****Randomization inference ritest ntreatment _b[2.ntreatment], cluster(village) strata(lga) /// reps(5000) seed(0) nodots fix(3) kdens saving(ri_period1_urea_1, replace): /// reg period1_urea i.ntreatment period1_urea0n i.year $covar $lga if year!=0, cluster (village) * p-value = 0.4576 ritest ntreatment _b[3.ntreatment], cluster(village) strata(lga) /// reps(5000) seed(0) nodots fix(2) kdens saving(ri_period1_urea_2, replace): /// reg period1_urea i.ntreatment period1_urea0n i.year $covar $lga if year!=0, cluster (village) * p-value = 0.3950 ritest ntreatment (_b[2.ntreatment] - _b[3.ntreatment]), cluster(village) strata(lga) /// reps(5000) seed(0) nodots kdens saving(ri_period1_urea_12, replace): /// reg period1_urea i.ntreatment period1_urea0n i.year $covar $lga if year!=0, cluster (village) * p-value = 0.7340 /******************************************************************************** * Table 8b: Treatment effects on timing of first urea application for 2016 * ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg period1_urea T1 T2 $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], vce(cl village) // OLS outreg2 using "ureat_b.doc", /// title (Table 8b: Treatment effects on urea timing) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg period1_urea T1 T2 $covar $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "ureat_b.doc", /// title (Table 8b: Treatment effects on urea timing) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg period1_urea T1 T2 period1_urea0n $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "ureat_b.doc", /// title (Table 8b: Treatment effects on urea timing) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* period1_urea0n) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg period1_urea T1 T2 period1_urea0n $covar $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "ureat_b.doc", /// title (Table 8b: Treatment effects on urea timing) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* period1_urea0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum period1_urea if ntreatment == 1 & year == 1 /******************************************************************************** * Table 8c: Treatment effects on timing of first urea application for 2017 * ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg period1_urea T1 T2 $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], vce(cl village) // OLS outreg2 using "ureat_c.doc", /// title (Table 8c: Treatment effects on urea timing) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg period1_urea T1 T2 $covar $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "ureat_c.doc", /// title (Table 8c: Treatment effects on urea timing) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg period1_urea T1 T2 period1_urea0n $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "ureat_c.doc", /// title (Table 8c: Treatment effects on urea timing) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* period1_urea0n) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg period1_urea T1 T2 period1_urea0n $covar $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "ureat_c.doc", /// title (Table 8c: Treatment effects on urea timing) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* period1_urea0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum period1_urea if ntreatment == 1 & year == 2 /******************************************************************************** * Table A.1: Fertility recommendations for rice in Nigeria * ********************************************************************************/ *Table does not rely on data from the RCT /******************************************************************************** * Table A.2: Non-rice producing households in each year * ********************************************************************************/ ta ntreatment year if Yieldn==. /******************************************************************************** * Table A.3: Baseline characteristics and balance post-contamination * ********************************************************************************/ *Summary stats for control group at baseline by ittva, sort: eststo: quietly estpost sum $hhvar $prodvar if year == 0 esttab using sum_stat_post.csv, replace cell(mean(fmt(3)) sd(par fmt(3))) p(3) label nodepvar foreach dvar of varlist $hhvar $prodvar { reg `dvar' treated $lga if year == 0, vce(cl village) } // Compare T with C foreach dvar of varlist $hhvar $prodvar { reg `dvar' treated1 $lga if year == 0, vce(cl village) } // Compare T1 with C foreach dvar of varlist $hhvar $prodvar { reg `dvar' treated2 $lga if year == 0, vce(cl village) } // Compare T2 with C /******************************************************************************** * Table A.4: Intra-cluster correlation coefficients for the outcomes variables * ********************************************************************************/ foreach icc_chk of varlist Yieldn RBE Qfert Qnpk_T Qurea_T period1_npk period1_urea { loneway `icc_chk' village if year==0 } /******************************************************************************** * Table A.5: Quartile treatment effects on the quantity of fertilizer (kg/ha) * ********************************************************************************/ rename Qnpk_T Qnpk rename Qurea_T Qurea rename period1_npk Pnpk rename period1_urea Purea rename Yieldn0n Yieldn_bl rename RBE0n RBE_bl rename Qfert0n Qfert_bl rename Qnpk_T0n Qnpk_bl rename Qurea_T0n Qurea_bl rename period1_npk0n Pnpk_bl rename period1_urea0n Purea_bl *Quartile .25 ****OLS and OLS with covariates sqreg Qfert T1 T2 $lga if year!=0, q(.25) reps(100) nodots // OLS outreg2 using "fert_q25.doc", /// title (Table A8a: Treatment effects on fertilizer) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) sqreg Qfert T1 T2 $covar $lga if year!=0, q(.25) reps(100) nodots // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "fert_q25.doc", /// title (Table A8a: Treatment effects on fertilizer) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates sqreg Qfert T1 T2 Qfert_bl i.year $lga if year!=0, q(.25) reps(100) nodots // ANCOVA outreg2 using "fert_q25.doc", /// title (Table A8a: Treatment effects on fertilizer) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Qfert_bl 2.year) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) sqreg Qfert T1 T2 Qfert_bl i.year $covar $lga if year!=0, q(.25) reps(100) nodots // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "fert_q25.doc", /// title (Table A8a: Treatment effects on fertilizer) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Qfert_bln age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz 2.year) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) *Quartile .5 ****OLS and OLS with covariates sqreg Qfert T1 T2 $lga if year!=0, q(.5) reps(100) nodots // OLS outreg2 using "fert_q5.doc", /// title (Table A8b: Treatment effects on fertilizer) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) sqreg Qfert T1 T2 $covar $lga if year!=0, q(.5) reps(100) nodots // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "fert_q5.doc", /// title (Table A8b: Treatment effects on fertilizer) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates sqreg Qfert T1 T2 Qfert_bl i.year $lga if year!=0, q(.5) reps(100) nodots // ANCOVA outreg2 using "fert_q5.doc", /// title (Table A8ba: Treatment effects on fertilizer) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Qfert_bl 2.year) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) sqreg Qfert T1 T2 Qfert_bl i.year $covar $lga if year!=0, q(.5) reps(100) nodots // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "fert_q5.doc", /// title (Table A8b: Treatment effects on fertilizer) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Qfert_bln age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz 2.year) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) *Quartile .75 ****OLS and OLS with covariates sqreg Qfert T1 T2 $lga if year!=0, q(.75) reps(100) nodots // OLS outreg2 using "fert_q75.doc", /// title (Table A8c: Treatment effects on fertilizer) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) sqreg Qfert T1 T2 $covar $lga if year!=0, q(.75) reps(100) nodots // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "fert_q75.doc", /// title (Table A8c: Treatment effects on fertilizer) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates sqreg Qfert T1 T2 Qfert_bl i.year $lga if year!=0, q(.75) reps(100) nodots // ANCOVA outreg2 using "fert_q75.doc", /// title (Table A8c: Treatment effects on fertilizer) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Qfert_bl 2.year) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) sqreg Qfert T1 T2 Qfert_bl i.year $covar $lga if year!=0, q(.75) reps(100) nodots // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "fert_q75.doc", /// title (Table A8c: Treatment effects on fertilizer) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Qfert_bln age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz 2.year) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) /******************************************************************************** * Table A.6 and A.7: Multiple hypothesis testing for treatment effect * ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates rwolf Yieldn RBE Qfert Qnpk Qurea Pnpk Purea /// if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight], indepvar(T1) method(reg) nodots /// controls($lga) vce(cluster village) seed(12345) reps(5000) rwolf Yieldn RBE Qfert Qnpk Qurea Pnpk Purea /// if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight], indepvar(T1 T2) method(reg) nodots /// controls($covar $lga) vce(cluster village) seed(12345) reps(5000) holm ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates rwolf Yieldn RBE Qfert Qnpk Qurea Pnpk Purea /// if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight], indepvar(T1 T2) method(reg) nodots /// bl(_bl) controls(i.year $covar $lga) vce(cluster village) seed(12345) reps(5000) holm rwolf Yieldn RBE Qfert Qnpk Qurea Pnpk Purea /// if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight], indepvar(T1 T2) method(reg) nodots /// bl(_bl) controls(i.year $covar $lga) vce(cluster village) seed(12345) reps(5000) holm *Sharpened q-values calculated using code found at https://are.berkeley.edu/~mlanderson/ARE_Website/Research.html /******************************************************************************** * Table A.8: Lee bounds on the treatment effect * ********************************************************************************/ eststo clear ****Bounds on treatment from OLS regression eststo: quietly reg Yieldn ntreated if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight] eststo: quietly leebounds Yieldn ntreated if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight] eststo: quietly reg RBE ntreated if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight] eststo: quietly leebounds RBE ntreated if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight] eststo: quietly reg Qfert ntreated if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight] eststo: quietly leebounds Qfert ntreated if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight] eststo: quietly reg Qnpk ntreated if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight] eststo: quietly leebounds Qnpk ntreated if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight] eststo: quietly reg Qurea ntreated if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight] eststo: quietly leebounds Qurea ntreated if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight] eststo: quietly reg Pnpk ntreated if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight] eststo: quietly leebounds Pnpk ntreated if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight] eststo: quietly reg Purea ntreated if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight] eststo: quietly leebounds Purea ntreated if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight] esttab using Lee.csv, cells(b(star fmt(3)) se(par fmt(3))) /// noobs label replace /******************************************************************************** * Table A.9a: Treatment effects on total harvest * ********************************************************************************/ *Treatment effects on total harvest gen harv = Yieldn * ricearea lab var harv "rice harvest (kg)" gen harv0n = Yieldn_bl * ricearea lab var harv0n "rice harvest in 2015 (kg)" ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg harv T1 T2 $lga if year!=0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster(village) // OLS outreg2 using "harv_a.doc", /// title (Table A9a: Treatment effects on harvest) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg harv T1 T2 $covar ricearea $lga if year!=0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "harv_a.doc", /// title (Table A9a: Treatment effects on harvest) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form ricearea credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg harv T1 T2 harv0n i.year $lga if year!=0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "harv_a.doc", /// title (Table A9a: Treatment effects on harvest) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* harv0n 2.year) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg harv T1 T2 harv0n i.year $covar ricearea $lga if year!=0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "harv_a.doc", /// title (Table A9a: Treatment effects on harvest) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* harv0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form ricearea credit_riz 2.year) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum harv if ntreatment == 1 & year != 0 /******************************************************************************** * Table A.9b: Treatment effects on total profit * ********************************************************************************/ *Generate total profits. gen rev = RBE * ricearea lab var rev "rice revenue (US$)" gen rev0n = RBE_bl * ricearea lab var rev0n "rice revenue in 2015 (US$)" ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg rev T1 T2 $lga if year!=0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster(village) // OLS outreg2 using "rev_a.doc", /// title (Table A9b: Treatment effects on profits) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg rev T1 T2 $covar $lga if year!=0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "rev_a.doc", /// title (Table A9b: Treatment effects on profits) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg rev T1 T2 rev0n i.year $lga if year!=0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "rev_a.doc", /// title (Table A9b: Treatment effects on profits) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* rev0n 2.year) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg rev T1 T2 rev0n i.year $covar $lga if year!=0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "rev_a.doc", /// title (Table A9b: Treatment effects on profitsd) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* rev0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz 2.year) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum rev if ntreatment == 1 & year != 0 /******************************************************************************** * Table A.9c: Treatment effects on rice area * ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg ricearea T1 T2 $lga if year!=0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster(village) // OLS outreg2 using "area_a.doc", /// title (Table A9c: Treatment effects on area) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg ricearea T1 T2 $covar $lga if year!=0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "area_a.doc", /// title (Table A9c: Treatment effects on area) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg ricearea T1 T2 area0n i.year $lga if year!=0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "area_a.doc", /// title (Table A9c: Treatment effects on area) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* area0n 2.year) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg ricearea T1 T2 area0n i.year $covar $lga if year!=0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "area_a.doc", /// title (Table A9c: Treatment effects on area) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* area0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz 2.year) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum ricearea if ntreatment == 1 & year != 0 /******************************************************************************** * Figure A.1: Map of study area * ********************************************************************************/ *Map requires no data /******************************************************************************** * Figure A.2 and A.3: Randomization Inference on treatment effect of contract * ********************************************************************************/ *Build RI data set use ri_Yield_1.dta, clear rename _pm_1 yield_T1 append using ri_Yield_2.dta rename _pm_1 yield_T2 append using ri_RBE_1.dta rename _pm_1 RBE_T1 append using ri_RBE_2.dta rename _pm_1 RBE_T2 append using ri_Qfert_1.dta rename _pm_1 qfert_T1 append using ri_Qfert_2.dta rename _pm_1 qfert_T2 append using ri_Qnpk_1.dta rename _pm_1 qnpk_T1 append using ri_Qnpk_2.dta rename _pm_1 qnpk_T2 append using ri_Qurea_1.dta rename _pm_1 qurea_T1 append using ri_Qurea_2.dta rename _pm_1 qurea_T2 append using ri_period1_npk_1.dta rename _pm_1 tnpk_T1 append using ri_period1_npk_2.dta rename _pm_1 tnpk_T2 append using ri_period1_urea_1.dta rename _pm_1 turea_T1 append using ri_period1_urea_2.dta rename _pm_1 turea_T2 twoway (kdensity yield_T1, lwidth(medthick) lcolor(gs10) lpattern(dash)) /// (kdensity yield_T2, lwidth(medthick) lcolor(sky) lpattern(shortdash_dot) /// ytitle("Density") xtitle("Hypothetical treatment effect estimate") title("Treatment effect on rice yield (t/ha)") /// xline(0.258, lpattern(solid) lwidth(thin) lcolor(gs10)) /// text(.18 `=0.258-.01' "T1 TE", color(gs10) j(left) size(vsmall) place(nw) orient(vertical)) /// text(2.2 `=0.258-.01' "p-value = 0.004", color(gs10) j(left) size(vsmall) place(nw) orient(vertical)) /// xline(0.728, lpattern(solid) lwidth(thin) lcolor(sky)) /// text(.18 `=0.728-.01' "T2 TE", color(sky) j(left) size(vsmall) place(nw) orient(vertical)) /// text(2.2 `=0.728-.01' "p-value = 0.045", color(sky) j(left) size(vsmall) place(nw) orient(vertical))), /// legend(label(1 "RiceAdvice [T1]") label(2 "RiceAdvice + Subsidy [T2]") /// position(6) col(2) row(1) order(1 2)) saving(ri_yield, replace) twoway (kdensity RBE_T1, lwidth(medthick) lcolor(gs10) lpattern(dash)) /// (kdensity RBE_T2, lwidth(medthick) lcolor(sky) lpattern(shortdash_dot) /// ytitle("Density") xtitle("Hypothetical treatment effect estimate") title("Treatment effect on profit (US$/ha)") /// xline(126.1, lpattern(solid) lwidth(thin) lcolor(gs10)) /// text(.0001 `=126.1-.01' "T1 TE", color(gs10) j(left) size(vsmall) place(nw) orient(vertical)) /// text(.0045 `=126.1-.01' "p-value = 0.004", color(gs10) j(left) size(vsmall) place(nw) orient(vertical)) /// xline(279.9, lpattern(solid) lwidth(thin) lcolor(sky)) /// text(.0003 `=279.9-.01' "T2 TE", color(sky) j(left) size(vsmall) place(nw) orient(vertical)) /// text(.0045 `=279.9-.01' "p-value = 0.001", color(sky) j(left) size(vsmall) place(nw) orient(vertical))), /// legend(label(1 "RiceAdvice [T1]") label(2 "RiceAdvice + Subsidy [T2]") /// position(6) col(2) row(1) order(1 2)) saving(ri_profit, replace) twoway (kdensity qnpk_T1, lwidth(medthick) lcolor(gs10) lpattern(dash)) /// (kdensity qnpk_T2, lwidth(medthick) lcolor(sky) lpattern(shortdash_dot) /// ytitle("Density") xtitle("Hypothetical treatment effect estimate") title("Treatment effect on quantity of NPK (kg/ha)") /// xline(-16.03, lpattern(solid) lwidth(thin) lcolor(gs10)) /// text(.0035 `=-16.03-.01' "T1 TE", color(gs10) j(left) size(vsmall) place(nw) orient(vertical)) /// text(.045 `=-16.03-.01' "p-value = 0.015", color(gs10) j(left) size(vsmall) place(nw) orient(vertical)) /// xline(-21.98, lpattern(solid) lwidth(thin) lcolor(sky)) /// text(.0035 `=-21.98-.01' "T2 TE", color(sky) j(left) size(vsmall) place(nw) orient(vertical)) /// text(.045 `=-21.98-.01' "p-value = 0.048", color(sky) j(left) size(vsmall) place(nw) orient(vertical))), /// legend(label(1 "RiceAdvice [T1]") label(2 "RiceAdvice + Subsidy [T2]") /// position(6) col(2) row(1) order(1 2)) saving(ri_qnpk, replace) twoway (kdensity qurea_T1, lwidth(medthick) lcolor(gs10) lpattern(dash)) /// (kdensity qurea_T2, lwidth(medthick) lcolor(sky) lpattern(shortdash_dot) /// ytitle("Density") xtitle("Hypothetical treatment effect estimate") title("Treatment effect on quantity of urea (kg/ha)") /// xline(12.10, lpattern(solid) lwidth(thin) lcolor(gs10)) /// text(.0018 `=12.10-.01' "T1 TE", color(gs10) j(left) size(vsmall) place(nw) orient(vertical)) /// text(.05 `=12.10-.01' "p-value = 0.009", color(gs10) j(left) size(vsmall) place(nw) orient(vertical)) /// xline(-4.912, lpattern(solid) lwidth(thin) lcolor(sky)) /// text(.0018 `=-4.912-.01' "T2 TE", color(sky) j(left) size(vsmall) place(nw) orient(vertical)) /// text(.05 `=-4.912-.01' "p-value = 0.972", color(sky) j(left) size(vsmall) place(nw) orient(vertical))), /// legend(label(1 "RiceAdvice [T1]") label(2 "RiceAdvice + Subsidy [T2]") /// position(6) col(2) row(1) order(1 2)) saving(ri_qurea, replace) gr combine ri_yield.gph ri_profit.gph ri_qnpk.gph ri_qurea.gph, col(2) iscale(.5) commonscheme graph export "ri_result1.png", as(png) replace twoway (kdensity qfert_T1, lwidth(medthick) lcolor(gs10) lpattern(dash)) /// (kdensity qfert_T2, lwidth(medthick) lcolor(sky) lpattern(shortdash_dot) /// ytitle("Density") xtitle("Hypothetical treatment effect estimate") title("Treatment effect on quantity of fertilizer (kg/ha)") /// xline(-10.92, lpattern(solid) lwidth(thin) lcolor(gs10)) /// text(.003 `=-10.92-.01' "T1 TE", color(gs10) j(left) size(vsmall) place(nw) orient(vertical)) /// text(.03 `=-10.92-.01' "p-value = 0.424", color(gs10) j(left) size(vsmall) place(nw) orient(vertical)) /// xline(-32.65, lpattern(solid) lwidth(thin) lcolor(sky)) /// text(.003 `=-32.65-.01' "T2 TE", color(sky) j(left) size(vsmall) place(nw) orient(vertical)) /// text(.03 `=-32.65-.01' "p-value = 0.045", color(sky) j(left) size(vsmall) place(nw) orient(vertical))), /// legend(label(1 "RiceAdvice [T1]") label(2 "RiceAdvice + Subsidy [T2]") /// position(6) col(2) row(1) order(1 2)) saving(ri_fert, replace) twoway (kdensity tnpk_T1, lwidth(medthick) lcolor(gs10) lpattern(dash)) /// (kdensity tnpk_T2, lwidth(medthick) lcolor(sky) lpattern(shortdash_dot) /// ytitle("Density") xtitle("Hypothetical treatment effect estimate") title("Treatment effect on timing of first NPK application (days)") /// xline(-1.565, lpattern(solid) lwidth(thin) lcolor(gs10)) /// text(.18 `=-1.565-.01' "T1 TE", color(gs10) j(left) size(vsmall) place(nw) orient(vertical)) /// text(.45 `=-1.565-.01' "p-value = 0.001", color(gs10) j(left) size(vsmall) place(nw) orient(vertical)) /// xline(-1.235, lpattern(solid) lwidth(thin) lcolor(sky)) /// text(.18 `=-1.235-.01' "T2 TE", color(sky) j(left) size(vsmall) place(nw) orient(vertical)) /// text(.45 `=-1.235-.01' "p-value = 0.076", color(sky) j(left) size(vsmall) place(nw) orient(vertical))), /// legend(label(1 "RiceAdvice [T1]") label(2 "RiceAdvice + Subsidy [T2]") /// position(6) col(2) row(1) order(1 2)) saving(ri_tnpk, replace) twoway (kdensity turea_T1, lwidth(medthick) lcolor(gs10) lpattern(dash)) /// (kdensity turea_T2, lwidth(medthick) lcolor(sky) lpattern(shortdash_dot) /// ytitle("Density") xtitle("Hypothetical treatment effect estimate") title("Treatment effect on timing of first urea application (days)") /// xline(-0.595, lpattern(solid) lwidth(thin) lcolor(gs10)) /// text(.02 `=-0.595-.01' "T1 TE", color(gs10) j(left) size(vsmall) place(nw) orient(vertical)) /// text(.33 `=-0.595-.01' "p-value = 0.458", color(gs10) j(left) size(vsmall) place(nw) orient(vertical)) /// xline(-0.434, lpattern(solid) lwidth(thin) lcolor(sky)) /// text(.02 `=-0.434-.01' "T2 TE", color(sky) j(left) size(vsmall) place(nw) orient(vertical)) /// text(.33 `=-0.434-.01' "p-value = 0.395", color(sky) j(left) size(vsmall) place(nw) orient(vertical))), /// legend(label(1 "RiceAdvice [T1]") label(2 "RiceAdvice + Subsidy [T2]") /// position(6) col(2) row(1) order(1 2)) saving(ri_turea, replace) gr combine ri_fert.gph ri_tnpk.gph ri_turea.gph, col(2) iscale(.5) commonscheme graph export "ri_result2.png", as(png) replace save ri_TC.dta, replace /******************************************************************************** * Log Conversions * ********************************************************************************/ replace Yieldn = asinh(Yieldn) replace Yieldn0n = asinh(Yieldn0n) replace RBE = asinh(RBE) replace RBE0n = asinh(RBE0n) replace Qfert = asinh(Qfert) replace Qfert0n = asinh(Qfert0n) gen lnQnpk_T = asinh(Qnpk_T) gen lnQnpk_T0n = asinh(Qnpk_T0n) replace Qurea_T = asinh(Qurea_T) replace Qurea_T0n = asinh(Qurea_T0n) replace period1_npk = asinh(period1_npk) replace period1_npk0n = asinh(period1_npk0n) replace period1_urea = asinh(period1_urea) replace period1_urea0n = asinh(period1_urea0n) /******************************************************************************** * Table A.10a: Treatment effects on rice yield for all years * ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg Yieldn T1 T2 $lga if year!=0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster(village) // OLS outreg2 using "Yieldn_a.doc", /// title (Table 2a: Treatment effects on yield) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Yieldn T1 T2 $covar $lga if year!=0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "Yieldn_a.doc", /// title (Table 2a: Treatment effects on yield) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg Yieldn T1 T2 Yieldn0n i.year $lga if year!=0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "Yieldn_a.doc", /// title (Table 2a: Treatment effects on yield) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Yieldn0n 2.year) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Yieldn T1 T2 Yieldn0n i.year $covar $lga if year!=0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "Yieldn_a.doc", /// title (Table 2a: Treatment effects on yield) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Yieldn0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz 2.year) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum Yieldn if ntreatment == 1 & year != 0 /******************************************************************************** * Table A.10b: Treatment effects on rice yield for 2016 * ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg Yieldn T1 T2 $lga if year== 1 [pw=1/pweight], vce(cl village) // OLS outreg2 using "Yieldn_b.doc", /// title (Table 2b: Treatment effects on yield) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Yieldn T1 T2 $covar $lga if year== 1 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "Yieldn_b.doc", /// title (Table 2b: Treatment effects on yield) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg Yieldn T1 T2 Yieldn0n $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "Yieldn_b.doc", /// title (Table 2b: Treatment effects on yield) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Yieldn0n) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Yieldn T1 T2 Yieldn0n $covar $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "Yieldn_b.doc", /// title (Table 2b: Treatment effects on yield) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Yieldn0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum Yieldn if ntreatment == 1 & year == 1 /******************************************************************************** * Table A.10c: Treatment effects on rice yield for 2017 * ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg Yieldn T1 T2 $lga if year== 2 [pw=1/pweight], vce(cl village) // OLS outreg2 using "Yieldn_c.doc", /// title (Table 2c: Treatment effects on yield) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Yieldn T1 T2 $covar $lga if year== 2 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "Yieldn_c.doc", /// title (Table 2c: Treatment effects on yield) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg Yieldn T1 T2 Yieldn0n $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "Yieldn_c.doc", /// title (Table 2c: Treatment effects on yield) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Yieldn0n) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Yieldn T1 T2 Yieldn0n $covar $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "Yieldn_c.doc", /// title (Table 2c: Treatment effects on yield) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Yieldn0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum Yieldn if ntreatment == 1 & year == 2 /******************************************************************************** * Table A.11a: Treatment effects on rice profit for all years * ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg RBE T1 T2 $lga if year!=0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster(village) // OLS outreg2 using "profit_a.doc", /// title (Table 3a: Treatment effects on profit) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg RBE T1 T2 $covar $lga if year!=0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "profit_a.doc", /// title (Table 3a: Treatment effects on profit) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg RBE T1 T2 RBE0n i.year $lga if year!=0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "profit_a.doc", /// title (Table 3a: Treatment effects on profit) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* RBE0n 2.year) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg RBE T1 T2 RBE0n i.year $covar $lga if year!=0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "profit_a.doc", /// title (Table 3a: Treatment effects on profit) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* RBE0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz 2.year) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum RBE if ntreatment == 1 & year != 0 /******************************************************************************** * Table A.11b: Treatment effects on rice profit for 2016 * ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg RBE T1 T2 $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], vce(cl village) // OLS outreg2 using "profit_b.doc", /// title (Table 3b: Treatment effects on profit) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg RBE T1 T2 $covar $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "profit_b.doc", /// title (Table 3b: Treatment effects on profit) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg RBE T1 T2 RBE0n $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "profit_b.doc", /// title (Table 3b: Treatment effects on profit) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* RBE0n) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg RBE T1 T2 RBE0n $covar $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "profit_b.doc", /// title (Table 3b: Treatment effects on profit) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* RBE0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum RBE if ntreatment == 1 & year == 1 /******************************************************************************** * Table A.11c: Treatment effects on rice profit for 2017 * ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg RBE T1 T2 $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], vce(cl village) // OLS outreg2 using "profit_c.doc", /// title (Table 3c: Treatment effects on profit) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg RBE T1 T2 $covar $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "profit_c.doc", /// title (Table 3c: Treatment effects on profit) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg RBE T1 T2 RBE0n $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "profit_c.doc", /// title (Table 3c: Treatment effects on profit) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* RBE0n) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg RBE T1 T2 RBE0n $covar $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "profit_c.doc", /// title (Table 3c: Treatment effects on profit) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* RBE0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum RBE if ntreatment == 1 & year == 2 /******************************************************************************** * Table A.12a: Treatment effects on quantity of fertilizer for all years * ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg Qfert T1 T2 $lga if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster(village) // OLS outreg2 using "fert_a.doc", /// title (Table 4a: Treatment effects on fertilizer) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Qfert T1 T2 $covar $lga if year!=0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "fert_a.doc", /// title (Table 4a: Treatment effects on fertilizer) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg Qfert T1 T2 Qfert0n i.year $lga if year!=0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "fert_a.doc", /// title (Table 4a: Treatment effects on fertilizer) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Qfert0n 2.year) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Qfert T1 T2 Qfert0n i.year $covar $lga if year!=0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "fert_a.doc", /// title (Table 4a: Treatment effects on fertilizer) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Qfert0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz 2.year) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum Qfert if ntreatment == 1 & year != 0 /******************************************************************************** * Table A.12b: Treatment effects on quantity of fertilizer for 2016 * ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg Qfert T1 T2 $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], vce(cl village) // OLS outreg2 using "fert_b.doc", /// title (Table 4b: Treatment effects on fertilizer) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Qfert T1 T2 $covar $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "fert_b.doc", /// title (Table 4b: Treatment effects on fertilizer) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg Qfert T1 T2 Qfert0n $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "fert_b.doc", /// title (Table 4b: Treatment effects on fertilizer) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Qfert0n) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Qfert T1 T2 Qfert0n $covar $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "fert_b.doc", /// title (Table 4b: Treatment effects on fertilizer) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Qfert0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum Qfert if ntreatment == 1 & year == 1 /******************************************************************************** * Table A.12c: Treatment effects on quantity of fertilizer for 2017 * ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg Qfert T1 T2 $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], vce(cl village) // OLS outreg2 using "fert_c.doc", /// title (Table 4c: Treatment effects on fertilizer) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Qfert T1 T2 $covar $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "fert_c.doc", /// title (Table 4c: Treatment effects on fertilizer) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg Qfert T1 T2 Qfert0n $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "fert_c.doc", /// title (Table 4c: Treatment effects on fertilizer) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Qfert0n) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Qfert T1 T2 Qfert0n $covar $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "fert_c.doc", /// title (Table 4c: Treatment effects on fertilizer) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Qfert0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum Qfert if ntreatment == 1 & year == 2 /******************************************************************************** * Table A.13a: Treatment effects on quantity of NPK fertilizer for all years * ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg Qnpk_T T1 T2 $lga if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight], vce(cl village) // OLS outreg2 using "npk_a.doc", /// title (Table 5a: Treatment effects on NPK) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Qnpk_T T1 T2 $covar $lga if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "npk_a.doc", /// title (Table 5a: Treatment effects on NPK) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg Qnpk_T T1 T2 Qnpk_T0n i.year $lga if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "npk_a.doc", /// title (Table 5a: Treatment effects on NPK) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Qnpk_T0n 2.year) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Qnpk_T T1 T2 Qnpk_T0n i.year $covar $lga if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "npk_a.doc", /// title (Table 5a: Treatment effects on NPK) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Qnpk_T0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz 2.year) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum Qnpk_T if ntreatment == 1 & year != 0 /******************************************************************************** * Table A.13b: Treatment effects on quantity of NPK fertilizer for 2016 * ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg Qnpk_T T1 T2 $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], vce(cl village) // OLS outreg2 using "npk_b.doc", /// title (Table 5b: Treatment effects on NPK) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Qnpk_T T1 T2 $covar $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "npk_b.doc", /// title (Table 5b: Treatment effects on NPK) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg Qnpk_T T1 T2 Qnpk_T0n $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "npk_b.doc", /// title (Table 5b: Treatment effects on NPK) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Qnpk_T0n) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Qnpk_T T1 T2 Qnpk_T0n $covar $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "npk_b.doc", /// title (Table 5b: Treatment effects on NPK) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Qnpk_T0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum Qnpk_T if ntreatment == 1 & year == 1 /******************************************************************************** * Table A.13c: Treatment effects on quantity of NPK fertilizer for 2017 * ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg Qnpk_T T1 T2 $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], vce(cl village) // OLS outreg2 using "npk_c.doc", /// title (Table 5c: Treatment effects on NPK) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Qnpk_T T1 T2 $covar $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "npk_c.doc", /// title (Table 5c: Treatment effects on NPK) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg Qnpk_T T1 T2 Qnpk_T0n $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "npk_c.doc", /// title (Table 5c: Treatment effects on NPK) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Qnpk_T0n) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Qnpk_T T1 T2 Qnpk_T0n $covar $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "npk_c.doc", /// title (Table 5c: Treatment effects on NPK) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Qnpk_T0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum Qnpk_T if ntreatment == 1 & year == 2 /******************************************************************************** * Table A.14: Treatment effects on quantity of urea fertilizer for all years * ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg Qurea_T T1 T2 $lga if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight], vce(cl village) // OLS outreg2 using "urea_a.doc", /// title (Table 6a: Treatment effects on urea) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Qurea_T T1 T2 $covar $lga if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "urea_a.doc", /// title (Table 6a: Treatment effects on urea) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg Qurea_T T1 T2 Qurea_T0n i.year $lga if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "urea_a.doc", /// title (Table 6a: Treatment effects on urea) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Qurea_T0n 2.year) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Qurea_T T1 T2 Qurea_T0n i.year $covar $lga if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "urea_a.doc", /// title (Table 6a: Treatment effects on urea) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Qurea_T0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz 2.year) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum Qurea_T if ntreatment == 1 & year != 0 /******************************************************************************** * Table A.14b: Treatment effects on quantity of urea fertilizer for 2016 * ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg Qurea_T T1 T2 $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], vce(cl village) // OLS outreg2 using "urea_b.doc", /// title (Table 6b: Treatment effects on urea) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Qurea_T T1 T2 $covar $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "urea_b.doc", /// title (Table 6b: Treatment effects on urea) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg Qurea_T T1 T2 Qurea_T0n $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "urea_b.doc", /// title (Table 6b: Treatment effects on urea) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Qurea_T0n) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Qurea_T T1 T2 Qurea_T0n $covar $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "urea_b.doc", /// title (Table 6b: Treatment effects on urea) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Qurea_T0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum Qurea_T if ntreatment == 1 & year == 1 /******************************************************************************** * Table A.14c: Treatment effects on quantity of urea fertilizer for 2017 * ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg Qurea_T T1 T2 $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], vce(cl village) // OLS outreg2 using "urea_c.doc", /// title (Table 6c: Treatment effects on urea) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Qurea_T T1 T2 $covar $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "urea_c.doc", /// title (Table 6c: Treatment effects on urea) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg Qurea_T T1 T2 Qurea_T0n $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "urea_c.doc", /// title (Table 6c: Treatment effects on urea) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Qurea_T0n) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg Qurea_T T1 T2 Qurea_T0n $covar $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "urea_c.doc", /// title (Table 6c: Treatment effects on urea) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* Qurea_T0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum Qurea_T if ntreatment == 1 & year == 2 /******************************************************************************** * Table A.15a: Treatment effects on timing of first NPK application for all years* ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg period1_npk T1 T2 $lga if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight], vce(cl village) // OLS outreg2 using "NPKt_a.doc", /// title (Table 7a: Treatment effects on NPK timing) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg period1_npk T1 T2 $covar $lga if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "NPKt_a.doc", /// title (Table 7a: Treatment effects on NPK timing) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg period1_npk T1 T2 period1_npk0n i.year $lga if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "NPKt_a.doc", /// title (Table 7a: Treatment effects on NPK timing) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* period1_npk0n 2.year) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg period1_npk T1 T2 period1_npk0n i.year $covar $lga if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "NPKt_a.doc", /// title (Table 7a: Treatment effects on NPK timing) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* period1_npk0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz 2.year) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum period1_npk if ntreatment == 1 & year != 0 /******************************************************************************** * Table A.15b: Treatment effects on timing of first NPK application for 2016 * ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg period1_npk T1 T2 $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], vce(cl village) // OLS outreg2 using "NPKt_b.doc", /// title (Table 7b: Treatment effects on NPK timing) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg period1_npk T1 T2 $covar $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "NPKt_b.doc", /// title (Table 7b: Treatment effects on NPK timing) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg period1_npk T1 T2 period1_npk0n $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "NPKt_b.doc", /// title (Table 7b: Treatment effects on NPK timing) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* period1_npk0n) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg period1_npk T1 T2 period1_npk0n $covar $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "NPKt_b.doc", /// title (Table 7b: Treatment effects on NPK timing) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* period1_npk0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum period1_npk if ntreatment == 1 & year == 1 /******************************************************************************** * Table A.15c: Treatment effects on timing of first NPK application for 2017 * ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg period1_npk T1 T2 $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], vce(cl village) // OLS outreg2 using "NPKt_c.doc", /// title (Table 7c: Treatment effects on NPK timing) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg period1_npk T1 T2 $covar $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "NPKt_c.doc", /// title (Table 7c: Treatment effects on NPK timing) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg period1_npk T1 T2 period1_npk0n $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "NPKt_c.doc", /// title (Table 7c: Treatment effects on NPK timing) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* period1_npk0n) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg period1_npk T1 T2 period1_npk0n $covar $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "NPKt_c.doc", /// title (Table 7c: Treatment effects on NPK timing) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* period1_npk0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum period1_npk if ntreatment == 1 & year == 2 /******************************************************************************** * Table A.16a: Treatment effects on timing of first urea application for all years* ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg period1_urea T1 T2 $lga if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight], vce(cl village) // OLS outreg2 using "ureat_a.doc", /// title (Table 8a: Treatment effects on urea timing) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg period1_urea T1 T2 $covar $lga if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "ureat_a.doc", /// title (Table 8a: Treatment effects on urea timing) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg period1_urea T1 T2 period1_urea0n i.year $lga if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "ureat_a.doc", /// title (Table 8a: Treatment effects on urea timing) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* period1_urea0n 2.year) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg period1_urea T1 T2 period1_urea0n i.year $covar $lga if year != 0 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "ureat_a.doc", /// title (Table 8a: Treatment effects on urea timing) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* period1_urea0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz 2.year) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum period1_urea if ntreatment == 1 & year != 0 /******************************************************************************** * Table A.16b: Treatment effects on timing of first urea application for 2016 * ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg period1_urea T1 T2 $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], vce(cl village) // OLS outreg2 using "ureat_b.doc", /// title (Table 8b: Treatment effects on urea timing) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg period1_urea T1 T2 $covar $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "ureat_b.doc", /// title (Table 8b: Treatment effects on urea timing) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg period1_urea T1 T2 period1_urea0n $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "ureat_b.doc", /// title (Table 8b: Treatment effects on urea timing) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* period1_urea0n) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg period1_urea T1 T2 period1_urea0n $covar $lga if year == 1 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "ureat_b.doc", /// title (Table 8b: Treatment effects on urea timing) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* period1_urea0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum period1_urea if ntreatment == 1 & year == 1 /******************************************************************************** * Table A.16c: Treatment effects on timing of first urea application for 2017 * ********************************************************************************/ ****OLS and OLS with covariates reg period1_urea T1 T2 $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], vce(cl village) // OLS outreg2 using "ureat_c.doc", /// title (Table 8c: Treatment effects on urea timing) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga*) se dec(3) label replace nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg period1_urea T1 T2 $covar $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // OLS with covariates outreg2 using "ureat_c.doc", /// title (Table 8c: Treatment effects on urea timing) ctitle (OLS) /// drop(_lga* age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****ANCOVA and ANCOVA with covariates reg period1_urea T1 T2 period1_urea0n $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA outreg2 using "ureat_c.doc", /// title (Table 8c: Treatment effects on urea timing) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* period1_urea0n) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, No) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 reg period1_urea T1 T2 period1_urea0n $covar $lga if year == 2 [pw=1/pweight], cluster (village) // ANCOVA with covariates outreg2 using "ureat_c.doc", /// title (Table 8c: Treatment effects on urea timing) ctitle (ANCOVA) /// drop(_lga* period1_urea0n age tailmen educ2 agric njour_agri_form credit_riz) se dec(3) label append nocons /// addtext(LGA FE, Yes, Household Covariates, Yes) lincom T1 + T2 // Test T = C lincom T2 - T1 // Test T1 = T2 ****Mean dependent variable in control sum period1_urea if ntreatment == 1 & year == 2 /* END */